Book Industry, Books, literary fiction

Book Banning in Australia

Recently, Cumberland City Council in Western Sydney voted to put a blanket ban on books that feature same-sex parenting and remove them from local libraries. Libraries and bookstores often stock what people buy or borrow, what they know their community wants or what will be accessed. So why is this banning an issue? These days,… Continue reading Book Banning in Australia

#AussieAuthors2024, #LoveOZMG, #loveozya, Aussie authors, Australian literature, Australian women writers, Book Industry, Books, CBCA, Children's Literature, NCACL

50 Years of the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature

In 2024, The National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature in Canberra is celebrating its 50th birthday in 2024 over the 11th – 15th of March. Not only will there be a birthday party on the 12th of March, but supporters are invited to visit the centre or send them a message of congratulations. The NCACL… Continue reading 50 Years of the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature

#AussieAuthors2024, #LoveOZMG, #loveozya, Aussie authors, Australian literature, Australian women writers, Book Industry, Books, Children's Literature, Reading, Sally Rippin

Australian Children’s Laureate 2024-2025

Every two years, the Australian Children’s Literature industry waits to see who will be announced as the next Australian Children’s Laureate by the Australian Children’s Laureate Foundation. The laureate for 2024-2025 has recently been announced, and it is none other than Sally Rippin, whose theme for her time as laureate is All Kids Can Be… Continue reading Australian Children’s Laureate 2024-2025

#AussieAuthors2024, #AussieYAChallenge, #loveozya, Aussie authors, Australian literature, Australian women writers, Awards, Book Industry, Books, Children's Literature, historical fiction, history, literary fiction, non-fiction, plays, poetry, Publishers, Reading, Young Adult

Victorian Premier’s Literary Award Winners

The winners of the 2024 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards have been announced recently, and this year was the first year that children’s books had a category. Readings has highlighted the winners, and gives a run down about each book. The winners for 2024, sourced from Creative Victoria are: Victorian Premier’s Prize for Literature Chinese Fish… Continue reading Victorian Premier’s Literary Award Winners

#AussieAuthors2023, #AussieAuthors2024, #LoveOZMG, #loveozya, Aussie authors, Australian literature, Australian women writers, Awards, Book Industry, Books, Junior Fiction, literary fiction, middle grade, plays, poetry, Publishers, Reading, short stories

Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2024 shortlists announced

The following is taken from Books and Publishing. The Wheeler Centre has announced the 2024 shortlists for the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards, and the winners will be announced in a few days. Each category has shortlisted and highly commended books, which are listed and the ones I have read are linked back to those reviews… Continue reading Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2024 shortlists announced