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Blog Tour: The Postman’s My Mate by Kelly Louise Jarris, illustrated by Natalie Herington

A postie truck with a dog in the outback driving up to a station with a boy waving at the postie.

Title: The Postman’s My Mate

Author: Kelly Louise Jarris, illustrated by Natalie Herington

Genre: Fiction

Publisher: KLJ Books

Published: June 2024

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 32

Price: $24.95

Synopsis: Join Charlie on an adventure as he unwraps

a world full of surprises and imagination. When his very best mate, the postman arrives with a mysterious package, Charlie’s day transforms into The birthday ever Ever! What’s inside? Rockets, pirates, dinosaurs,

or something else? Join Charlie and his animal buddies for this charming journey where creativity, imagination, friendship and the

joy of recycling collide.

What’s in the box?


Charlie lives in the outback, and he always looks forward to post day – because he gets to see his friend, the postie. Last time, Charlie played a trick on the postie, and is wondering what will be in the delivery – when he gets a big, mysterious package – Charlie wonders what it could be. Rockets, pirates, dinosaurs or something else? Charlie can’t wait to find out!

Kelly Louise Jarris’s new story explores adventuring through imagination and creativity – what we can do with little around us, especially things that might not seem like much at first. Kelly’s books often involve themes of creativity and imagination, amongst various others that are relevant to the individual stories, and Charlie’s story is quite light-hearted and joyful. It had a simple joy within it that speaks to the unique time in childhood when everything is possible, and there are possibilities in everything. Where imagination and creativity happens in fun ways, and where a tiny spark can bring a world of possibilities to life.

A review schedule with text about a range of blogs in various colours against a white background covered in images of the country from the story.

It also looks at the harshness of being isolated on a large property, and the limited contact these places have with people outside, like a postman who only comes every so often, yet is a very special and important person – Charlie’s friend and main connection to the outside world. This is a story of wonder and friendship, highlighting that sometimes the things we have to wait for can be the best moments. It is these little moments that Kelly manages to perfectly encapsulate in her books for children and younger readers.

And those little moments filled with things we don’t expect, where creativity brings our lives to life. The magic of imagination is a driving element in this book, showing that we don’t always need things to occupy us – that the simplest things can be what are the most magical, and the celebration of imagination that comes with a special parcel that will open a world of possibilities. Kelly Louise Jarris’s new book is delightful, and filled with the wonder and joy of being a child waiting for a special delivery, and waiting for that moment when you see someone you only get to see every so often. I think this will be a book that many people will get enjoyment out of and find something that they can relate to in.

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