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KT Book Bingo – #KTBookBingo

A white background with a grid of 25 squares, filled with 25 prompts for a reading challenge. Black text at the top says 2024 book bingo and has a picture of books on one side, and a picture of someone reading a book on a toadstool on the other side. The images are reversed at the bottom with #KTBookBingo at the bottom of the grid.

This year I am also taking part in a book challenge I found on Instagram with Katie Clews – @claws.at.number_21, #KTBookBingo. This is another one I like because I can see that there will be many prompts that I can tick off with what I have already and what is to come, and I am sure the ones that might have a bit of uncertainty at the moment, I will eventually find something. Like my other reading challenges and prompts, I am looking forward to giving this a go this year.

Row One

Conservation themed:

Contains photographs:

Read in less than three days:

A Paperback book:

Eight Words in the title:

Row Two

First published in 2010:

Has a pink cover:

Non-fiction that isn’t a memoir:

Released in 2024:

Features Siblings:

Row Three

Purchased at a bookstore:

Author’s first name and last name start with vowels

In TBR for more than one year:

Author’s name contains initials:

Set in a country you haven’t been to:

Row Four

Bought it because it was cheap:

A book you would give as a gift:

Features a TV, film, music or stage celebrity:

A book that taught you something:

Tenth book you read in 2024:

Row Five

Less than 300 pages:

Read whilst on holidays:

Favourite genre:


Set in South America:

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