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Completed Challenge: Bestie’s Book Bingo

a white and cream bingo card with black text for sixteen prompts covered in pink stars and different coloured lines to indicate that all the prompts are complete in every direction.

Well, it only took me six months to complete this challenge! The one category I had to dig around for was the Celebrity Book Club Pick, partly because I don’t usually follow celebrity book clubs, and partly because there were quite a few other that didn’t appeal to me, so I was glad that I was able to use The Dictionary of Lost Words for this. This was a fun challenge, and I enjoyed taking part.

Top Row:

Aussie Author: Finders, Keepers by Emily Rodda

Celebrity Book Club Pick:  The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams

Published in Month of your Birth (April): Miss Penny Dreadful and the Malicious Maze by Allison Rushby

2023 Release: Taken by Dinuka McKenzie

Second Row:

Blindfold Pick: Dusty in the Outwilds by Rhiannon Williams

#OwnVoices: The Month that Makes the Year by Inda Ahmad Zahri

Retelling: Cold Iron by Sophie Masson (Tattercoats, A Midsummer Nights’ Dream)

Less than 250 Pages: Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta

Third Row:

Made into a Movie:  Blueback by Tim Winton

Friend Rec: 100 Tales from Australia’s Most Haunted Places by Ben Pobjie

Colour in Title: Crimson Lake by Candice Fox

You and Author Share the same Initials: The Bookseller’s Apprentice by Amelia Mellor

Fourth Row:

Features a Chef: Becoming Mrs Mulberry by Jackie French

Favourite Author: The Great Gallipoli Escape by Jackie French

Cat on the Cover: Little Matilda Goes to Hospital by Caz Goodwin

Foil Cover:  Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim

Row One Down:

Aussie Author: Finders, Keepers by Emily Rodda

Blindfold Pick: Dusty in the Outwilds by Rhiannon Williams

Made into a Movie:  Blueback by Tim Winton

Features a Chef:Becoming Mrs Mulberry by Jackie French

Row Two Down:

Celebrity Book Club Pick: The Dictionary of Lost Words by Pip Williams

#OwnVoices: The Month that Makes the Year by Inda Ahmad Zahri

Friend Rec: 100 Tales from Australia’s Most Haunted Places by Ben Pobjie

Favourite Author: The Great Gallipoli Escape by Jackie French

Row Three Down:

Published in Month of your Birth (April): Miss Penny Dreadful and the Malicious Maze by Allison Rushby

Retelling: Cold Iron by Sophie Masson (Tattercoats, A Midsummer Nights’ Dream)

Colour in Title: Crimson Lake by Candice Fox

Cat on the Cover: Little Matilda Goes to Hospital by Caz Goodwin

Row Four Down:

2023 Release: Taken by Dinuka McKenzie

Less than 250 Pages: Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta

You and Author Share the same Initials: The Bookseller’s Apprentice by Amelia Mellor

Foil Cover:  Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim

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