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Books Read by Non-Australian Men

There were a few categories that didn’t quite have as many books read as others, and one of these was Non-Australian Men. Often this came down to what I received for review or what appealed to me, as sometimes there were things that didn’t stand out over other things. Other reasons included time – I was getting to the point where I had to say no to a few things based on time restraints.

This is not to say I won’t read such books – just that I had to find ways to work out what my focus was in 2023, and whilst there may have been others I have wanted to read, that has come down to a simple I haven’t managed to get to those books yet, and may do so in the future. Of course, the ones I did read in this area were ones I really enjoyed – perhaps because they were in areas that interested me – this makes sense, as the other books I read were the same in terms of genre and plot, and I suppose that is also just the way releases for me fell in 2023. Maybe I will read more in 2024, but that is yet to be seen.

  1. The Boy Who Didn’t Want to Die by Peter Lantos
  2. Tap, Tap, Tap be Herve Tullet
  3. Grimm Tales for Young and Old edited by Philip Pullman (translated)
  4. Lily Halfmoon: The Magic Gems by Xavier Bonet, translated by Marie Trinchant
  5. Montgomery BonBon: Death at the Lighthouse by Alasdair Beckett-King
  6. Solve Your Own Mystery: The Transylvanian Express by Gareth P Jones

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